"Put your helmet on! " Advice said by Mom on June 20, 2005.
That day I got on my bike for the first time, my mother was looking at me, I didn't fall off. You could say I never learned to ride a bike. There is a drug called "Please". It's the equivalent of a highway with no exit. "Please" is, getting perfect grades, meeting expectations exactly, succeeding on the first few tries and waiting to be recognized for your achievements.
An energetic, versatile and unique female duo. Two women, creatures, souls who through hand to hand express themselves and grow. My partner, Catherine Beaudet, and I imagine singular acts that leave room for the spectator's imagination. Our world is created through all these steps and a bond much stronger than the hands unites us.
@Roland Lorente
@Roland Lorente
@Roland Lorente
@Roland Lorente